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MSCA stipendist dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za kemiju

6. listopada 2017..
Marie Sklodowska Curie Akcije se mogu pohvaliti sa devetim nobelovcem i znanstvenom kolaboracijom koja je dovela do Nobelove nagrade za fiziku, a u kojoj su sudjelovali MSCA znanstvenici.

Damir Dominko - Femtosecond collective response of density waves and superconductors under external bias

1. rujna 2017..
Damir Dominko applied to NEWFELPRO fellowship program in 2014, and he started his research at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, in the group of prof. Jure Demsar.

Towards an European Criminal Procedure: Integration at the Expense of Human Rights

22. kolovoza 2017..
Zlata Đurđević is a Full Professor of Criminal Procedural Law, Human Rights Law, European and International Criminal Law and Psychiatric Law at the School of Law, University of Zagreb.Maria Curie EU NEWFELPRO grant enabled her to be for two years a Senior Research Scholar at the Yale Law School.

Action Plan for Researchers Mobility for the period 2017 - 2020

8. kolovoza 2017..
Croatian Ministry of Science and Education has adopted new Action Plan for Researchers Mobility for the period 2017 - 2020 which aimes to strengthen human potential in science by promoting mobility and international co-operation of Croatian scientists. 

Marijana Serdar - Phenomenological Modelling of Carbonation-Induced Corrosion of Radioactive Waste Disposal Structures (PHENEMICS)

13. srpnja 2017..
Marijana Serdar has implemented her project PHENEMICS at Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, CEA (France) and at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb (Croatia)