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Action Plan for Researchers Mobility for the period 2017 - 2020

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Croatian Ministry of Science and Education has adopted new Action Plan for Researchers Mobility for the period 2017 - 2020 which aimes to strengthen human potential in science by promoting mobility and international co-operation of Croatian scientists.

The adoption of the Action Plan for Mobility is one of the activities set out in the Strategic Plan for the period 2016 to 2018 of the Ministry of Science and Education in order to strengthen the linkage between science and technology as the cornerstone of future science development and taking into account the implementation of measures from the Croatian Strategy for Science, Education and Technology (2014). The Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Science and Education stated that this goal would be achieved by further encouraging the participation of Croatian scientists in EU programs, bilateral cooperation programs and other international R & D programs as well as implementing the program of outgoing and incoming mobility of researchers. The aim of the Action Plan is to facilitate incoming mobility, improve working conditions for Croatian and foreign researchers, to better prepare Croatian researchers for international and inter-sectoral mobility, and to facilitate cross-sectoral cooperation and mobility in the Republic of Croatia.

Action Plan for Researchers Mobility for the period 2017 to 2020:

• recognizes obstacles in the international and inter-sectoral mobility of researchers,
• proposes measures to remove obstacles and increase and accelerate the mobility of researchers and
• emphasizes the importance of researchers' mobility for the development of science and research, and thus the recovery of the economy.

In accordance with the aforementioned, new Action Plan for Researchers Mobilitty for the period 2017-2020 envisages the implementation of the following five measures:

1. Employing foreign researchers in scientific and scientific-teaching jobs,
2. Development of the working conditions of the researcher,
3. Facilitating easier regulation of temporary residence of foreign researchers,
4. The development of a system of support for researcher mobility,
5. Affirmation of international, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers.

It is important to emphasize that Action Plan for Mobility of Researchers has accepted the latest recommendations of the EU, particularly  those that reffer to young researchers (Bratislava Declaration of Young Researchers, Salzburg Principles and Principles for Innovative Doctoral Training).