Sardelić, Mirko. "The Cuman-Qipčaqs between Asia and Europe in the Late Middle Ages." Migracijske i etničke teme 31.2 (2015): 247-274.
Sardelić, Mirko. "Model proučavanja i izazovi povijesti emocija – skica." Historijski zbornik 68.2 (2015): 395-402.Sardelić, Mirko. "Emotions and imaginary of the Mongol Other in the mid-13th-century Europe", Publisher TBD, to be published in 2017.
Sardelić, Mirko. "The Late 16th-Century Ship in the Adriatic as a Cross-cultural System", a chapter in the book From Riverbed to Seashore. Art on the Move in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean in the Early Modern Period (edited by Alina Payne, out of the press in mid-2017, publisher is Brill).
Sardelić, Mirko. The role of Emotions in Contacts between Euroasian Cultures – Representation of the Oriental Other (publisher TBD, the book should be out of the press by the end of 2017).
Osim toga, napisao je radove za pet međunarodnih konferencija i sudjelovao je na nekoliko seminara i radionica.
Radovi na međunarodnim konferencijama:
‘Uluc-Ali’s Adriatic campaign of 1571: emotions and consequences’ (Harvard University, 2 February 2015).
‘Renaissance ship in the Adriatic as a cultural system’ (New Europe College, Bucharest, 12-13 June 2015);
‘Ut metum incuterent: Mongol violence in medieval Europe’ (UWA, Perth, 12 September 2015).
‘The Procession with the Cross: The Penitence of a Renaissance Adriatic island’ (CHE Adelaide, 18-19 February 2016).
‘Sir Thomas G Jackson’s Dalmatia’ (Institute for Art History, Split, 24-28 May 2016).
Seminari, konferencije i radionice:
Seminar: More of the Heart than the Brain: Erasmus and Calvin on Affective Knowing, by UWA Postdoc Kirk Essary (March 2015).
Seminar: Living anxiously: Governing the senses in early modern England by Danijela Kambasković, English and Cultural Studies Work-in-progress seminar series, UWA, (April 2015).
Seminar: Sex, Christian Charity and Merging Bodies: The logic of Human Communities in Descriptions of Medieval Heretical Sex by Michael Barbezat, UWA, (April 2015).
Postdoctoral Harvard seminar/mobile workshop: From Riverbed to Seashore: Art on the Move, (Istanbul, Plovdiv, Moldova, Transylvania, Wallachia); papers given by all participants (June 2015).
Radionica: Naming Pain, ECRs Anna Corrias and Naama Cohen-Hanegbi, UWA, (August 2015).
History seminar: Shaping Matter: the Role of the Imagination in the Philosophy of Marcilio Ficino by ECR Anna Corrias (Princeton, USA), UWA, 2015.
Seminar: And give the physician his place, for the Lord created him: Trust, Faith and medical care in late medieval Spain by ECR Naama Cohen-Hanegbi (Tel-Aviv University, Israel), UWA, 2015.
CHE Methods Collaboratory, All Cls: All Postdocs, Senior Research Fellows, 23-24 September 2015, University of Sidney.
Jedan od glavnih postignuća NEFELPRO projekta Mirka Sardelića je stvaranje Centra za transkulturalno istraživanje emocija u Hrvatskoj . Osnovni cilj Centra je poticanje zajedničkih istraživanja o raznim temama vezanim uz proučavanje emocija u različitim kulturnim sredinama jugoistočne Europe i drugdje. ECCE Centar je osnovan s naglaskom na interdisciplinarnost u proučavanju povijesti emocija te uključuje znanstvenike iz različitih disciplina. Prva radionica planirana je za lipanj 2017. godine, a prvi seminar za studeni 2017.