Mirko Sardelić, slika preuzeta s poveznice.
Osim toga, napisao je radove za pet međunarodnih konferencija i sudjelovao je na nekoliko seminara i radionica.
Radovi na međunarodnim konferencijama:
- ‘Uluc-Ali’s Adriatic campaign of 1571: emotions and consequences’ (Harvard University, 2 February 2015).
- ‘Renaissance ship in the Adriatic as a cultural system’ (New Europe College, Bucharest, 12-13 June 2015);
- ‘Ut metum incuterent: Mongol violence in medieval Europe’ (UWA, Perth, 12 September 2015).
- ‘The Procession with the Cross: The Penitence of a Renaissance Adriatic island’ (CHE Adelaide, 18-19 February 2016).
- ‘Sir Thomas G Jackson’s Dalmatia’ (Institute for Art History, Split, 24-28 May 2016).
Seminari, konferencije i radionice:
- Seminar: More of the Heart than the Brain: Erasmus and Calvin on Affective Knowing, by UWA Postdoc Kirk Essary (March 2015).
- Seminar: Living anxiously: Governing the senses in early modern England by Danijela Kambasković, English and Cultural Studies Work-in-progress seminar series, UWA, (April 2015).
- Seminar: Sex, Christian Charity and Merging Bodies: The logic of Human Communities in Descriptions of Medieval Heretical Sex by Michael Barbezat, UWA, (April 2015).
- Postdoctoral Harvard seminar/mobile workshop: From Riverbed to Seashore: Art on the Move, (Istanbul, Plovdiv, Moldova, Transylvania, Wallachia); papers given by all participants (June 2015).
- Radionica: Naming Pain, ECRs Anna Corrias and Naama Cohen-Hanegbi, UWA, (August 2015).
- History seminar: Shaping Matter: the Role of the Imagination in the Philosophy of Marcilio Ficino by ECR Anna Corrias (Princeton, USA), UWA, 2015.
- Seminar: And give the physician his place, for the Lord created him: Trust, Faith and medical care in late medieval Spain by ECR Naama Cohen-Hanegbi (Tel-Aviv University, Israel), UWA, 2015.
- CHE Methods Collaboratory, All Cls: All Postdocs, Senior Research Fellows, 23-24 September 2015, University of Sidney.
Jedan od glavnih postignuća NEFELPRO projekta Mirka Sardelića je stvaranje Centra za transkulturalno istraživanje emocija u Hrvatskoj . Osnovni cilj Centra je poticanje zajedničkih istraživanja o raznim temama vezanim uz proučavanje emocija u različitim kulturnim sredinama jugoistočne Europe i drugdje. ECCE Centar je osnovan s naglaskom na interdisciplinarnost u proučavanju povijesti emocija te uključuje znanstvenike iz različitih disciplina. Prva radionica planirana je za lipanj 2017. godine, a prvi seminar za studeni 2017.