17. rujna 2015.
One of the first NEWFELPRO's researchers in the incoming scheme, Andrew Hodges, is examining the linguistic borders and their influence thorugh his project BORDERANTHROLLING.
10. rujna 2015.
NEWFELPRO researcher in the outgoing scheme, Asmir Gračanin, has his project presented to the wider public on the most popular news websites.
2. rujna 2015.
Ivana Nina Unković, one of the first NEWFELPRO fellows in the outgoing scheme, along with successfully implementing her project, is active in networking and visibility of the NEWFELPRO project from the very start of her project (CCScVienna).
27. kolovoza 2015.
MSCA 2015 Conference will focus on one of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions’ specific scheme: COFUND. Titled: “Synergies to fuel Researchers’ careers” and it will be taking place in Luxembourg under the auspices of the Luxembourg E.U. Presidency.The MSCA 2015 Conference will be hosted on December 10-11, 2015 at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and it will provide a suitable forum for discussing the support to early stage and experienced researchers: how to foster excellence in researchers’ training, mobility and career development.
8. srpnja 2015.
We are notifying the applicants to the Third call that the decisions on the project proposals have been sent out by email.