13. travnja 2018.
We are proud to announce that two NEWFELPRO fellow researchers, Ana Ljubojević and Maja Miše, received the prestige MSCA Individual Fellowship at H2020-MSCA-IF-2017 Call
5. ožujka 2018.
Jie Zhao implemented his project called „Energy density functional description of fission (FISSION)“ at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (Croatia).
23. veljače 2018.
Sanjin Benić successfully implemented his NEWFELPRO project „Quantum chromodynamics in accelerated frames (AQCD)“ at the University of Tokyo and Faculty of Science in Zagreb.
21. veljače 2018.
Nives Ivić successfully implemented her project „Structural characterization of importinß:importin7:Histone1 complex (Importins-H1 complex)“ at the Ludwig Maximilians-Universitat (Deutschland) and Ruđer Bošković Institute (Croatia).