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NEWFELPRO workshop held at Faculty of Law in Zagreb

4. veljače 2014.
NEWFELPRO workshop took place at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb on 3 February 2014.  The presentation and discussion about the NEWFELPRO project, application procedures, and project documentation and evaluation criteria was led by Aleksandra Čolić Kovač from MSES. 

NEWFELPRO workshop held at University of Dubrovnik

24. siječnja 2014.
NEWFELPRO workshop took place at the University of Dubrovnik on 23 January 2014.  The presentation and discussion about the NEWFELPRO project, application procedures, and project documentation and evaluation criteria was led by Aleksandra Čolić Kovač from MSES. 

NEWFELPRO Workshops for the Second Call for Proposals at Croatian Universities

20. siječnja 2014.
NEWFELPRO Second Call for Proposals will be opened until 4 March 2013, 16:00 CET. Through NEWFELPRO workshops our aim is to increase the number of excellent applications for the second Call for Proposals and to inform interested parties about application procedures and documentation. 

NEWFELPRO workshop for project applicants applying for the first call held at MSES

10. rujna 2013.
NEWFELPRO workshop took place at Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (MSES) on 9 September 2013. Presentation and discussion about the changes of the call documentation, protocols for eligibility check of project proposals and guidelines for web application for electronic submission of project proposals was led by Aleksandra Čolić Kovač and Damir Šoh from NEWFELPRO Secretariat. Dr Robert Vianello from Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb, multiple Marie Curie fellow, shared his experiences related to the Marie Curie application process.

NEWFELPRO workshop held at J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek

6. lipnja 2013.
A workshop of the new international fellowship mobility program for experienced researchers NEWFELPRO took place at the J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek on 5 June 2013.  The presentation and discussion about the NEWFELPRO project, application procedures, project documentation and evaluation criteria was led by Aleksandra Čolić Kovač and Damir Šoh from MSES