A proposal will only be considered eligible if it meets all of the following conditions:
- It is received by the NEWFELPRO Secretariat before the deadline given in the Call for proposals;
- It is complete (i.e. all of the requested forms are uploaded, signed and stamped);
- Where a maximum number of words has been indicated for a section of the proposal, the proposal does not exceed the word limit;
- The other eligibility conditions described above are satisfied.
- Scientific/technological quality of the project;
- Scientific/innovation and leadership potential of project applicant;
- Quality of the host institution.
Successful proposals will be invited to enter into negotiation with the NEWFELPRO Selection Committee. On the basis of the information provided in the proposal and the recommendation by the independent experts, a grant agreement will be then prepared and sent to the host organisation. The grant agreement should be signed in duplicate by the host organisation and returned to the MSES for signature.